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Sentinel keeps the practice of cutting Philodendrons healthy by using exclusively natural methods. The company is frugal in its use of water and uses hydroponics to create liquid food optimally suited to the plant. Sentinel performs the entire process, from cutting right up to the fully-grown plant, in its own greenhouses located in the Netherlands as well as in South Africa and Uganda. Sturdy cuttings develop roots that help them to become strong, sturdy plants.

The Philodendron is an ideal houseplant for the consumer, and it’s one that can also be successfully cut. The plant grows quickly and it’s a shame to have to cut it once it’s grown too large.

The Philodendron prefers to be in a well-lit location, but don’t place it in direct sunlight. This plant likes to dwell in a humid environment. These are two of the few demands the Philodendron makes to ensure its own comfort. It’s the perfect plant for plant lovers who have only just begun keeping houseplants. Not only is this plant easy to maintain: the cutting process is really very easy to perform. For this reason, the Philodendron is a favourite plant of beginners in the collection.

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Cutting a Philodendron: how is it done?

Cutting a Philodendron: how is it done?

When cutting a Philodendron, it is important that the tool to be used to perform the job be clean. The knife or scissors must therefore be disinfected using, for example, pure alcohol or a disinfectant. This way, you make sure that bacteria and maladies do not get on the shoot and make the plant sick. Cut the shoot away from the motherplant. When cutting a Philodendron, we recommend cutting five centimetres below the aerial root. You can also cut the Philodendron without aerial roots. To do it this way, cut the shoot from the mother plant diagonally. This way, there’s a better chance of obtaining roots. Remove the excess leaves from the shoot you've cut from your Philodendron. Make sure that only one leaf remains hanging from the shoot. The reasons for this shall be explained during the next stage.

Cutting your Philodendron: the next step

Place the cutting in a glass containing (rain)water. Under no circumstances must the leaves be permitted to come into contact with the water. If this occurs, the result will be rotting leaves and a sick plant. Below, we shall explain the reason for removing excess leaves. It’s best to place as much of the shoot in the water as possible, so that the aerial roots remain submerged in water, which will allow the roots to grow out better. Be sure to change the water once weekly. This way, the Philodendron will be able to make optimum use of the nutrients contained in the clean water. After a couple of weeks, the roots shall have grown out fully. On average, it takes four weeks before you can remove the Philodendron cutting from the water and place it in the soil. We recommend that you use seeded potting soil when placing the cutting in the ground, and that you do not pack the soil too tightly. The roots of the Philodendron cutting are sensitive and need to ‘bond’ with the soil.

Cutting your Philodendron: the next step

From a cutting to a plant

And so we see that cutting a Philodendron is not at all a difficult task. You’ve merely got to keep a good eye on the cutting and, before you know it, you’ll have added a new houseplant to your collection! This ultimately rounds off Sentinel’s entire production process. From cutting to fully-fledged houseplant.


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