the colors of sentinelSentinel groen duurzaam en innoverendScindapsuskwekerij in Nederland voor de ScindapsusSentinel

Sentinel, the Scindapsus specialists

Sentinel is a company that engages exclusively in the cultivation of the Scindapsus, a green houseplant originally from the tropics. The plant is also well-known by the name of Pothos. It originated as a creeping plant, winding its path through the rain forests, up the stems and trunks of other plants and trees. The leaves of a naturally-occurring Scindapsus can grow up to 2.5 metres in width.

But in our nursery in Sprang-Capelle, we stick to growing ‘houseplants’, a most versatile product. Not just as a climbing or hanging houseplant, but also to create a green wall, a decorative wall formed by the hanging variety of the Scindapsus. We are beginning to see these walls more and more often in large office spaces, in stock exchanges, airports or in public buildings all over Europe. But you can also create a wall at home, for example, to partition part of a room in decorative fashion.

The natural environment

We do a very good job of reproducing the tropical environment in our nursery of approximately 27,000 square metres. The result is: sturdy, healthy plants. We believe quality is very important. This is why we pay a lot of attention to quality management. Every process in our company is carried out in accordance with ISO standards. And during each growing phase, we check to make sure each plant complies with our high standards.

Durability is paramount

At Sentinel, corporate social responsibility is given high priority. We endeavour to make a difference as far as people and the environment are concerned, and we place great emphasis on our products as well as the environment. We use water sparingly, and we use liquid food which is optimally adapted for the plant as well as its size in hydroponic cultivation. As far as possible, we maintain our plants’ health using natural methods, and all of the energy we use in cultivation is generated with the aid of solar panels. Indeed, we treat our employees in just the way we would want to be treated ourselves. And this does not apply only to our employees in the Netherlands, it also applies to our employees in Uganda.

Durability is paramount

Market-oriented production and delivery

Our company distinguishes itself not only through its delivery of high-quality products, but also through the many ways it endeavours to meet the needs of the client. We do everything we can to deliver “client-specific” Scindapsus plants. No wish goes too far, in our opinion. Should you desire packaging with the barcode visible, a special sort of pot, a colourful, personalised cover or a price sticker… we’ll take care of it. We’ll be happy to adjust the barrel/cask for you just the way you like it, or the crate or tray, for that matter, whether in combination or in accordance with individual type.

Anything we have in stock can be delivered

You want it now. In that case, it will be delivered immediately. The principal advantage Sentinel offers is that we always have a Scindapsus in stock ready to deliver, since our entire production process is automated as far as possible. Not only does this increase efficiency, it also guarantees the desired, consistent quality of the plant.