Little golden specks that sparkle intermittently through the green. This makes the Epipremnum Aureum one of the most unique varieties in the Sentinel collection. Sometimes, the most obscure detail is what sets this plant apart from the others at a glance. The Epipremnum Aureum is, without a doubt, a plant for true prospectors.
The Epipremnum Aureum is a flowering plant of the Arum family. Often cultivated nowadays as a houseplant, its satin-soft foliage has an air-purifying effect inside the room where its kept. This air-purifying effect is the result of the Epipremnum Aureum’s fine ability to reduce formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and benzene. In nature, this phenomenon also occurs in the case of many fruit and vegetable types, including the Epipremnum Aureum.
You can hang this plant up or let it climb, just as you like, in whatever room it’s kept. They are available in many sizes and they grow fast.
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