The Global Green is a member of the Epipremnum family. The Global Green seeks to conquer the world with its leaves, hence its name. All varieties within the Epipremnum category have a beautiful, tinted leaf structure.
Lush green is the main colour, which gives the plant its rugged appearance. Beautiful, light green textures adorn the leaves. And each leaf has additional colour shading. Intriguing – and impossible to avert your gaze! With the sun’s rays dancing about the room, it seems as though the lighter shade of green in the leaves is emitting light. It’s a beautiful, rich plant that will draw attention and lend elegance to any room.
As with all Epipremnum varieties, the Global Green has heart-shaped, satin-soft leaves with air-purifying qualities that help reduce the amount of formaldehyde, carbon dioxide and benzene in the plant’s environment.
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